Born and Bred

A Yorkshire Family


Here you will find some, hopefully, interesting statistical information on the breakdown of the individuals contained on this site.

This section contains fairly basic information, such as the number of individuals on the site and a breakdown by sex and whether or not they are living.

Description Quantity
Total Individuals 1335
Total Males 666 (49.89%)
Total Females 669 (50.11%)
Total Living 143 (10.71%)
Total Dead 1192 (89.29%)
Recorded Births 1199 (89.81%)
Recorded Deaths 555 (41.57%)
Oldest person to have lived 103 years
Avg. Age of Recorded Individuals 63 years
Avg. Age of Recorded Males 62 years
Avg. Age of Recorded Females 63 years

This section displays information on where individuals were born, by country, county within England and in particular, since this site is called Born and Bred - A Yorkshire Family, information on those born in Yorkshire.

Note: The statistics displayed here are only for those individuals where a place of birth is actually recorded. There are a number of individuals on this site for whom I have no details of their birth.

Yorkshire Births

Description Quantity
No. Born in Yorkshire 867 (72.31%)
No. Born in North Yorkshire 41 (4.73%)
No. Born in East Yorkshire 101 (11.65%)
No. Born in South Yorkshire 11 (1.27%)
No. Born in West Yorkshire 699 (80.62%)

World Births (Top 10 Countries)

Country Quantity
England 1061 (88.49%)
Channel Islands 64 (5.34%)
Australia 32 (2.67%)
Norway 26 (2.17%)
France 5 (0.42%)
Germany 2 (0.17%)
New Zealand 2 (0.17%)
Scotland 2 (0.17%)
Wales 2 (0.17%)
Greece 1 (0.08%)

English Births (Top 10 Counties)

County Quantity
West Yorkshire 699 (58.30%)
East Yorkshire 101 (8.42%)
Nottinghamshire 68 (5.67%)
North Yorkshire 41 (3.42%)
Lincolnshire 30 (2.50%)
Derbyshire 17 (1.42%)
Yorkshire 15 (1.25%)
Suffolk 14 (1.17%)
South Yorkshire 11 (0.92%)
Cambridgeshire 10 (0.83%)

This section displays information on where individuals died, by country, county within England and in particular, since this site is called Born and Bred - A Yorkshire Family, information on those who died in Yorkshire.

Note: The statistics displayed here are only for those individuals where a place of death is actually recorded. There are a number of individuals on this site, who I have assumed have died, due to being older than 100, but for whom I have no details of their death.

Yorkshire Deaths

Description Quantity
No. Died in Yorkshire 412 (74.23%)
No. Died in North Yorkshire 0 (0.00%)
No. Died in East Yorkshire 34 (8.25%)
No. Died in South Yorkshire 6 (1.46%)
No. Died in West Yorkshire 337 (81.80%)

World Deaths (Top 9 Countries)

Country Quantity
England 484 (87.21%)
Australia 40 (7.21%)
Channel Islands 12 (2.16%)
Norway 12 (2.16%)
France 2 (0.36%)
Holland 2 (0.36%)
Belgium 1 (0.18%)
Isles of Scilly 1 (0.18%)
South Africa 1 (0.18%)

English Deaths (Top 10 Counties)

County Quantity
West Yorkshire 337 (60.72%)
East Yorkshire 34 (6.13%)
Nottinghamshire 29 (5.23%)
North Yorkshire 24 (4.32%)
Yorkshire 11 (1.98%)
South Yorkshire 6 (1.08%)
Cambridgeshire 5 (0.90%)
Dorset 5 (0.90%)
West Midlands 5 (0.90%)
Greater London 3 (0.54%)